
What is Pharmacovigilance?

The pharmacological science relating to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products.

What is a side effect?

A side effect is any unwanted medical occurrence in a patient, who has been given a pharmaceutical product, that may or may not have been caused by the treatment with the product. A side effect can, therefore, be any unfavorable and unintended sign, symptom, or disease associated with the use of the product. Occurrence of side effects can vary from individual to individual.

Why report side effects?

By reporting any side effects related to AlRazi Pharma products you help us to ensure the safety of our products and our patients. Your information will enable AlRazi Pharma to fulfill its reporting responsibilities to health authorities and to undertake necessary investigations. This requires that you provide information on any side effects that may be experienced by you while using our products, even in cases where a prior relationship between the product and the side-effect had not been established.

What is adverse drug reaction (ADR)?

ADR is defined as “a response to a medicine which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in man”.

Do drugs cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs)?

On the hypothetical side, all medications may cause some ADRs, but many people use drugs without causing them any ADRs. The benefit of taking a drug has generally outweigh the risk that may occur.

Why do we report adverse drug reaction?

By reporting the adverse drug reactions, you contribute in the collection of safety information process for each drug, so that our officers can apply appropriate measures to minimize the reoccurrence of these ADRs. The information you provide will also help us meet our responsibility for reporting Adverse Drug Reactions to regulatory authorities, which in turn will lead to improve the quality of health-care offered to the community.

Who can report?

All members of society can report ADRs.

How to report ADRs?

You can report ADR by:

  1. Tell your doctor, pharmacist, nurse who can then notify Alrazi Pharma.
  2. Online forms either Arabic or English to this e-mail:
  3. Or call us and we will fill the form on behalf of you. Telephone: 00966114500807